Benevolent Control and Violent Persons Management

Benevolent Control is a simple but extremely effective system of techniques and strategies for violence intervention, prevention and control. It has been designed with self-protection as a primary component but is unique from other self-defence based studies in that there is a strong element of controlling others without injury to them. These “benevolent” techniques use no punching or kicking, nor do they require a great amount of physical strength.

Defense and control are achieved by employing pressure points, joint immobilizations, takedowns, come-along holds and pins with a minimum of force. All techniques are structured to be easily learned, yet effective under real life circumstances. There is a strong focus on using only the amount of force necessary to control the situation, while keeping the safety of everyone involved as a paramount component.

The potential for situational control is greatly enhanced when the techniques of this course are used in conjunction with On Guard’s most popular course – Non-Physical Crisis Intervention.

A graduate certification diploma is provided after the successful completion of the course.

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